
      Last Revision: September 9, 2022

      Privacy Policy

      Antheia's Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use the personal information you decide to share, and helps you make informed decisions when using Antheia, located at and its directly associated domains (collectively, "Antheia" or "Website").

      We reserve the right to change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time. We will alert you that changes have been made by indicating at the top of the policy the date it was last updated. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy from time to time to make sure you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.

      By using or accessing Antheia, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

      What information do we collect?

      When you visit Antheia you provide us with two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected by us, and Website use information collected by us as you interact with our Website.

      When you register with Antheia, you provide us with certain personal information that identifies you as an individual - for example, your name, email address, and phone number. You may also provide us with preference information regarding how you wish to use the Website.

      When you enter Antheia, we collect your browser type, IP address, operating system, the address of a referring web site, and your activity on the Website. This information is collected for all Antheia visitors, registered and anonymous. In addition, we store certain information from your browser using "cookies" or "web beacons". A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. We use session ID cookies to confirm that users are logged in. These cookies terminate once the user closes the browser. By default, we use a persistent cookie that stores your login ID (but not your password) to make it easier for you to login when you come back to Antheia. A web beacon is a small, invisible graphic image that may be used on the Website or in emails relating to the Website to collect certain information and monitor your activity on the Website. If you wish to block, erase, or be warned of cookies, please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn about these functions. Note that if a browser is set not to accept cookies or if you reject a cookie, some portions of the Website and our service may not function properly.

      You post User Content (as defined in the Antheia Terms of Use on the Website at your own risk. Please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot control the actions of other Users with whom you may choose to share your pages and information. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that User Content you post on the Website will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Website. You understand and acknowledge that, even after removal, copies of User Content may remain viewable in cached and archived pages or if other Users have copied or stored your User Content.

      By using Antheia, you are consenting to have your personal data transferred to and processed in Canada.

      How do we use the information we collect?

      Antheia may use your personal information to process your requests or transactions, to provide you with information or services you request, to inform you about other information, events, promotions, products or services we think will be of interest to you, to facilitate your use of, and our administration and operation of, the Website, and for the purpose for which the information was provided. You may select your preferences for how and when you are to be contacted with unsolicited Website information, where that feature is available; however, Antheia reserves the right to send you notices about your account even if you opt out of all voluntary email notification.

      Antheia may use information in your profile without identifying you as an individual. Aggregate information includes details about your use of the site or about a group or category of products, services or users. Aggregate information does not include any individual identity or personal information. Aggregate information helps us understand trends and our users' needs so that we can better consider new features or otherwise tailor our Website. This Privacy Policy in no way restricts or limits our collection and use of aggregate information.

      Sharing of information with third parties

      One of the key benefits of Antheia is that it makes it easy to share information with other members of a team or network. We allow you to both choose the information you share and to select with whom you will share. Our network architecture and your settings, allow you to make informed choices about who has access to your information. We share your information with third parties only in limited circumstances where we believe such sharing is:

      • reasonably necessary to offer the service,
      • legally required, or
      • permitted by you.

      We may provide information to service providers to help us bring you the services we offer. Specifically, we may use third parties to facilitate our business, such as to host the service at a co-location facility for servers, to send out email updates about Antheia, or to provide search results or links. In connection with these offerings and business operations, our service providers may have access to your personal information for use for a limited time in connection with these business activities. Where we utilize third parties for the processing of any personal information, we implement reasonable contractual and technical protections limiting the use of that information to the specified purposes; however, we are not responsible for the actions of third parties.

      We may share aggregate information, that is, information that is not personally identifiable, with third parties without your consent.

      We may be required to disclose user information pursuant to lawful requests, such as subpoenas and court orders, or in compliance with applicable laws. We do not reveal information until we have a good faith belief that an information request by law enforcement or private litigants meets applicable legal standards. Additionally, we may share account or other information when we believe it is necessary to comply with law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Antheia service or using the Antheia name, or to prevent imminent bodily harm. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, agents or government agencies.

      Information about our users, including personal information, may also be disclosed or transferred as part of, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisitions or in any other situation where personal information may be transferred as one of the business assets of Dynamic Solutions Inc.

      Correcting and Updating Personal Information

      Where applicable, you have access to and control over most personal information by viewing and editing your personal profile with the Antheia service. Any changes you make will be reflected immediately; removed information may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not generally be available to the Antheia community.

      When you use some of the collaboration or communication features of Antheia, such as posting a comment on a message board or making edits to a Notebook, you generally cannot remove this information.

      Antheia may contain links to other web sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party web sites and any personal information you provide to linked sites is subject to the policies of that third party. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave Antheia and to review privacy policies before providing personal information to a third party.

      This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by Antheia.

      Contacting us

      If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices relating to the Website, or you wish to verify, correct or delete any personal information we have collected, please contact us at